We’re here to help. Our team of Doctoral and Masters level Clinicians are here to support you along each step of your recovery journey.
Dr. Max Doshay
Nicole Simpson
Molly Maddocks
Kat Grassetti, LCSW
Dr. Sarita Shah
Dr. Shannon Franklin
TJ Woodward
Dr. Kelsey Corbett
Stephanie Wurster, LMFT
Dr. Katarina Thatcher
Dr. Corrine Hufford
Renika Battles, LCSW
Grace West, ASW
Jessica Mack, LCSW
Julia Paraiso, ASW
Ann Villanueva
Isabel Moreno
Faith Abercrombie
Kirstyn Perry, MA
Stacy Whitney
Anita Lee Davis, DC, LAC
Kira Pechtimaldjian
Susan Van Note
Dr. Rose Schlaff
Catherine Bajo
Elizabeth Alvillar